We seem to have a nice groove going on here. Our work week is Thursday through Monday. Although we miss most of the festivities around town and the area on Saturdays and Sundays (and believe me, there are a lot of festivities!), we do enjoy the uniqueness of being off on weekdays. I suppose quite a few people would consider our life uneventful but, ya know what? We’ve experienced eventful during our years as full-time RVers. Besides that, neither of us has to be entertained by external stimulus. Age creeping in? No, don’t think so. I’ve always found enjoyment in simply “be-ing.”
Now that’s not to say we don’t get out and about or are just cocoons in our comfy recliners.
We found exercise equipment at a local park on one of our walks together recently.
I thought this was pretty neat. It’s a rope climbing … cube?
My work is keeping me busy, which is almost an understatement these days. My job is morphing and expanding yet once again, but I’m absolutely okay with that. My boss scheduled a virtual happy hour recently, and we four gals had a good video visit via Skype. Much needed for all of us after a crazy week, and it was nice to put faces and voices with the other two gals I work with. We communicate and collaborate during working hours via Skype messaging and email, which is wonderful and productive, but it was fun to hang out “in person” with video chat.
Virtual happy hour … what a great idea! I’m looking forward to more of those. I think we’re gonna need ‘em. Ha! I’m so grateful for my telecommuting job and my colleagues. We rock!
We get morning sun through our front living room window, so the plants catch some rays.
Speaking of plants, I got a couple of shepherd’s hooks and hanging baskets
You see quite a few shepherd’s hooks with hanging baskets in our community, since actually planting something in the flowerbeds is taboo. You can place things in the flowerbeds, just can’t dig in ‘em. Quite a few cottages have really nice and cute patios set up. We haven’t done much because we don’t have a garage yet and, therefore, no place to store things when Mr. Winter arrives.
Dave commented a few times about how nice other residents’ hanging baskets were, so … I scored these on sale at Home Depot! Hopefully we’ll have a garage by next Summer and can spruce up our patio a bit more. At least we have some color out there now, and flowering plants are always nifty.
Last week a Healing Powwow was held at the hospital, which is right down the street. I could see the marquee tent set up and, when I saw the colors being taken in and started hearing drums, I bugged out of work and walked down.
I hadn’t been to a powwow in around 10 years. This was a small one, but oh so very awesome. The “real deal,” not something contrived for tourists. After the Grand Entrance, dance was opened to anyone/everyone there, not just the registered dancers. Well …
I could hear my mentor Lyn whispering in my ear about embracing Life, joy, the moment and who I am spiritually. I think I also felt her give me solid yet loving nudge. The spiritual 2x4, if you will. So …
I danced.
Just a few minutes. But in those few minutes, my heart was full and I experienced such joy. Amazing. It was one of “those” moments. I’m right where I’m supposed to be.
I was away from my office for less than an hour. How terrific is that?
You can see a short video of the Grand Entrance and read about the powwow here.
We have seen several rainbows, including doubles like this one, during our time here so far. We could actually see both ends of this one …
I need to learn how to take a panoramic photo with my phone. Here’s the other end.
Sunset from our patio.
So today is Sunday and my day for housecleaning. That’s working out to be a good schedule. Once a week means no chore is really difficult because I’m doing it weekly, and it doesn’t take that long. That also sets us up for a nice, fresh home on our days off and I have those days relatively chore-free. Even though I get groceries and do laundry over those 2 days, it still leaves plenty of time to chill out and enjoy quality time together.
Running errands is pleasant and stress-free here. Doesn’t take much time, either, in a small town. I’m also giddy at the fact that I don’t have to perform Twister moves to clean the bathroom like I did in the RV!
This “weekend” we’re planning another trip to the secondhand bookstore downtown to restock Dave and perhaps a wee road trip to the town of Blackduck. There’s a scenic drive on that route and our Wee Beastie (the car) could use a good outing.
Yes, Life is Guid!
Thanks for stopping by!