If you missed my recap of 2014 yesterday, you can find it here. 2014 has been gracious to us and provided us with more memorable moments of this life we share as full-time RVers.
Looking ahead? Resolutions for the coming year? I tend to not make resolutions but just take it as it comes. Life is truly unpredictable and, as many full-timers say, plans are made in Jell-O and subject to change in a New York minute.
I am hoping to become more regular with blog posts and to get back to writing, not just recounting the day’s activities.
Well, what the heck. Let’s talk about yesterday’s happenings.
I ran to Walmart for a few things and Dave tackled trimming shrubs around our RV. He did an outstanding job!
We can actually see the benches now! These shrubs had totally gone wild and were in a bodacious out-of-control state. Wish I had taken a “before” photo. Makes the area around our rig so much nicer.
He also trimmed back some more branches and limbs from the tree in the photo. This gives us a bit more light and reduces the amount of leaves that fall on the ground (and our rig). Just a bit of a “facelift” to our area and it is really so much more pleasant and tidy-appearing.
Judy (Travels with Emma), a holiday getaway is not in our conversation at the moment. As much as we love (and I do mean love) Cape May, that would be a bit of a travel stretch. Gosh, I’d love to go back to Dolphin Watch again, and we absolutely adore the town of Cape May (we can see ourselves living there permanently); however, if we decide we can afford swing a vacation, more than likely it would be some destination on the coast in this area. Myrtle Beach? Too expensive and too touristy, but there might be some smaller town in that general area. Long and short – no vacation plans at the moment.
I sort of feel like I am in “hunker down” mode here. Check back with me about a getaway come August, when I’m suffering in a southern Summer again. Ha!
In retrospect, we have said, “What were we thinking?” when we came down here. Being the work-conscious types that we are – work ethic, time off = no pay, that sort of thing – it never even crossed our minds to take off a bit of extra time prior to arriving on station here. Duh. We could have hauled our home down to the beach, spent time in the Virginias prowling Civil War sites or, heck, even returned to Cherokee, NC (like that area a lot) for a spell. I guess we didn’t think about it, since we had a nice holiday to Cape May earlier in the year.
Well, we learned our lesson with that one. If possible, the next time we transfer, we will take some time for us.
Guess I had better skedaddle out of here for now. Dave is about to get his last bike miles for 2014 and I am whipping up more sausage balls and olive/cheese puffs today. We will have a bit of chess this evening and then I will be greeting 2015 while I am on duty.
Happy New Year! Thanks for stopping by!