Today has been an absolutely gorgeous day out. This morning I cleaned up the flowerbeds a bit. It’s still a bit dicey to chance planting stuff, but at least I can get things ready. The lilies are progressing nicely and I do believe I saw tulips peeking out from the soil. This will be their third year. Cool.
Working in the yard and digging in the dirt is always therapeutic for me, and it helped pass the time until my surgeon appointment this afternoon.
I saw a rabbit this morning! Yay! We have bunnies on the property again this year!
Arriving at the surgeon’s office this afternoon, they didn’t even give me time to sit down in the waiting room before calling me back. Heading to the exam room, one passes the doc’s private office. He was in there with someone (turns out it was a medical student), but looks up and gives me a smiling “thumbs up” sign. Whoohoo! Okay, I could breathe again! We talked a bit when he came the exam room, but all’s good. Did I happen to mention I really like, trust and respect Dr. K? He literally saved my life twice in 2012 and is a caring healthcare provider.
“No evidence of metastatic disease.”
That’s what we want to hear!
I was in and out of there swiftly today. Didn’t even get the chance to sit down in the waiting room, had a brief (but not rushed by any means, he always makes sure we cover everything I want/need) visit with Dr. K and bingo! I was out the door again!
I’ve felt like I’ve been “on hold” the past couple of weeks. Last year was one year out from diagnosis and I wasn’t this nervous. The overall 5-year survival rate kinda sucks for this type of cancer; this was year two, so I experienced a bit more of the “what if’s.” He said that’s to be expected. For now, however, Life is Guid indeed!
I phoned Dave from the parking lot to give him the good news. He declared it a “party night” to celebrate, so after work we picked up pizzas and some beer for him. He is so patient, strong, loving and supportive . . . such a man in every sense of the word. I appreciate him even more after having just the opposite in a partner when I was going through breast cancer back in 2001.
With that behind us, it’s back to our regularly scheduled programming.
There are a couple of time trials Dave would like to do this Summer, so this will probably be our last “party weekend” until after the racing season is finished. Dave will start training soon for those events.
Activity is already picking up here with regard to work now that Winter is finally over. A natural gas pipeline is being replaced in the area, and some of this runs on the property. The dam upriver is being taken out; access to it is from the property, so there will be lots going on with that once it starts. Things are greening up and growing, and we’ll be mowing this month – probably next weekend, if not sooner. I have some things I would like to do with the interior of our rig – remove headboard and replace with something more to our liking, remove the cornices over the windows and replace with curtains, etc. Well, I guess there may not be an “etc.,” to that. If I accomplish both those projects before Winter comes ‘round again, I’ll be happy. I’ve mentioned to Dave what I have in mind and have been told decorating our home is my department, and I’m to go for it. Sweet. Well, I guess he’s lived with me long enough to know what’s in store. Ha!
We have a few minor repairs to the rig; for instance, our porch light needs replacing, as does the external flap on the oven exhaust fan. It’s time to remove the skirting from around the base of the rig; that may be happening tomorrow. Our door side scare light needs a new bulb; even something as simple as that is impossible with two feet of snow and ice on the ground. I’m even looking forward to giving our home a good bath. We’ll pick a nice warm (but not hot) day and exercise the rig. That consists of hitching up, rolling down the street a ways and then putting it back in place here.
Rig therapy – June 2013
We have the military simulation event scheduled here in June, and this year’s CERT class will have their graduation drill here again that month. I went through CERT training last year and participated in the drill here back in May 2013. This year I can watch. Should be fun!
CERT drill at mill – May 2013
We’re hoping to get back down to the Jersey Shore at Cape May for a week in September or October and stay at the beach house (Dolphin Watch) where we went last year.
Dolphin Watch in Cape May – September 2013
Gee, by that time, Winter will just about be rolling in again!
Thanks for stopping by!
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