Monday, October 21, 2013

Last Really Nice Day For A While


Today has been in the upper 60s with sunshine and a wee breeze now and then, but nothing annoying.  Maggie and I took advantage of what is probably the last day of nice weather for a good long while to give her a clip and an outdoor bath.  Her towels, harness, sweaters and office rug are in the washer right now.  She’s not keen on the actual bath but, boy, does she feel good and crazy afterwards!  We have towel tussle for a while and then she runs around like a loony dog!

She is so patient while I clip and brush her, has been right from the get-go.  The only exception to that are her front paws.  I can clip the fur everywhere else on her cute wee body but those front paws . . . she pulls them away, necessitating a “stealth clip” of her Lhasa fur on those two extremities.  She was distracted and fascinated watching the orange feral cat roaming nearby, so I got a good bit done.  Thanks, Cat!  Good timing!

I can touch them, massage them, etc. when she is relaxed in my lap, but grooming . . . she fidgets and takes them away from me.  Not aggressively, but with determination.

This makes me wonder what happened in her past to make her reluctant to submit those front paws to me.  The shelter where we got her knew nothing of her history; she was transferred to them from another shelter, and they had no records of her past.  Her behavior tells me something not-so-good must have occurred sometime before she came to live with us.

Glad I got this done; it just dawned on me about an hour ago that Winter will be making an appearance in about 48 hours with a bit of rain and overnight lows below freezing, so it was a good time to treat her to a bit of outdoor spa time.  Of course, she gets clipped and bathed during the winter months, but inside in the shower and bathroom.  That makes a bit of a mess in the bathroom, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.  Figured I might as well take advantage of what may be the last least-work bathing of her today.

Wash dog while the Sun shines, eh?

It’s been another busy day – paying bills, a report for work, phone calls and emails for work, ran a couple of errands . . . whew!  I also ordered our new convection microwave; found it for $300 at Camping World online and saved a bit because we’re Good Sam members.  It is the exact same model as our dead one, so it should fit just fine.  The unit  has been reliable up until now (it has a 2-year warranty, was made in 2009 and we’ve used it extensively for 3+ years), is roomy and has features I really like.  When it comes in, I’ll call our mobile guy to come out.


Yard 10212013

Dave mowed this afternoon, what may possibly have been the last time this year.


Newcastle Werewolf

Dave enjoyed this over the weekend.

Thanks for stopping by!


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