Saturday, June 7, 2014

CERT Drill


Although my alarm was set for 6:30 this morning, I was awake about 5 AM, so I just got up and started my day.  This year’s CERT class was scheduled to have their search-and-rescue drill here this morning.  I was in training in 2013, so I had an active role in last year’s exercise.


Participating in 2013


That’s me in the front, again from last year.  They had a smoke machine, which made it more “interesting,” shall we say.  Zero visibility, searching on hands and knees for “victims.”


June 7 CERT drill at mill

This year I had desk duty, in charge of getting folks signed/tagged in and out.

It was a much smaller class than ours; I can see the benefits of both sizes.  It was interesting to be an observer; one can always learn things without actively participating in the exercise.  Even the sign/tag in/out process is part of an actual call-out, so I garnered experience on the administrative side today.  At times it was a bit like herding cats . . . Teehee!

The weather today was not quite as warm or humid as the day of last year’s drill, or perhaps it just seemed that way since I wasn’t decked out in hard hat, protective eyewear, heavy gloves, long sleeves and dust mask.  Ya think?

I thoroughly enjoyed the event, seeing my team members again, meeting the newcomers and doing something of a community involvement nature. 

Where was Dave in all this?  He has a race next Saturday, so he was out riding the course this morning, on a bit of a recon mission. 

Everyone was off the property a bit after 1 PM.  I confess I changed clothes, ditching the jeans for shorts, cleaned up a bit and then spent some bonding time with my recliner.  Ha!  I recently started watching Mad Men on Netflix, which I have found to be thoroughly addictive, so I indulged in a few episodes this afternoon. 

Hope you’ve had a good Saturday, too!

Thanks for stopping by!

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